Project #8 Experimental Camera - Digital Carnival

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Design Process

I had tried to create a parametric pattern of Voronoi for my second-week assignment. However, due to the limitations of my p5 skillsets at that time, I was not able to achieve it. In this project, the array of points from the clmtrackr library reminded me of the previous idea. (So I skipped the other two ideas because I wanted to implement the project so badly!) The Voronoi diagram is generated precisely by a series of points. Thus I can use the points captured from the face to create a “mask”.

The graphic reminds me of the Brazilian carnival or the Halloween parade in New York: everyone disguises themselves and gives themselves a new identity. Such an identity is like a kind of protection for the self. Then we party.

Here are some screenshots:


A few weeks ago Facebook (or Meta) mentioned the concept of Metaverse at their event. Zuckerberg said that in the Metaverse, everyone has an avatar that separates from reality. As we do not discuss the futuristic novelty concept of Metaverse, each of us has already put on a costume on the internet. And this is what my camera wants to express: What kind of you are you on the internet? Is this virtual portrait different from you in the physical world? Which one do you think is the real you? Or we have already lived in mixed reality?

